#Nissan ecu tuning software
This is no great hassle, as the software for tuning and also that for burning the chips has functions built in to automatically to deal with the odd and even system. The daughterboard is engineered to read automatically between the two chips and merge the data electronically for the ECU to read. To do this, the maps are burnt onto the chips split in half, with odd data on one chip and even data on the other. For example, this means that two 8 bit chips are used to make a virtual 16 bit chip. Some daughterboards use two cheaper chips, in an ‘odd and even’ configuration. There are three main type of chips available to suit the daughterboard. Therefore, the ECU can be returned to standard simply by removing the daughterboard, and the ECU will return to reading from its factory programming. The board is basically a device that tells the ecu to take the maps from itself instead of the internal memory of the ECU. This daughterboard introduces the same type of factory chips which hold the fuel and ignition maps, except they are in the daughterboard and not the ECU. Therefore, an expansion or daughterboard is required that connects to the factory ECU. That is, the maps are not found in an accessible chip that can be changed by the user. For almost all SR20DETs, we use a type 3 board. For the SR20 engines, the fuel and ignition maps are inside the ECU.
#Nissan ecu tuning install
The most expensive board is $330, and whilst some other equipment may be needed to install and tune the board, it still represents outstanding value for money. Z32 Fairlady 300ZX (VG30DE/DETT)*See notes on information page for these models Please follow the link above for the most up to date list. The following was reproduced in August, 2016. The easiest way to see if your car is supported is to look at their products page. They sell different boards to suit the various Nissan ECUs, with functionality changing between these. In 2016, Nistune has dominated the market with its wide vehicle support, extensive functionality and affordable products. A Japanese website, 925style, used to be the go to for software and maps. The list of Nissan vehicles used to be much smaller than it is now. There is no doubt over the quality of this product, but at around $2000 it is out of reach for many enthusiasts. The cheapest plug-in replacement aftermarket computer is the Apexi Power FC. This gives an advantage over more the budget orientated approach of fitting a ‘piggyback’ computer, which still requires wiring loom changes. The modifications are reversible too, as the wiring loom will remain untouched.

Compared to the price of purchasing and installing a complete replacement aftermarket ecu, the savings are immense. The main advantage of using the factory computer is the low cost, as very little hardware is required. These maps are the only thing altered, so the excellent factory controlling of idling and air conditioning remains intact. The basic theory behind retuning the factory ecu is to alter the fuel and ignition maps amongst other things like the rev limiter and speed limiter.

I will attempt to rewrite the page keeping what is relevant from the past, but discussing and comparing the newer technologies.* At that stage, the products were very primitive. *When originally written, this page dealt with the Nissan ECU theory, products, installation, etc.